Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Year 2 For the PLNU TILE Program

Times are indeed changing. Students are playing with their smart phones, falling asleep during lectures and choosing to talk to their neighbors in class, instead of the professor. In these changing times, faculty and staff at PLNU are maintaining a steady change of their own. This change however, deals with the promotion of student-centered learning; in hopes of further engaging the class audience.

The TILE (Technology, Integrated, Learning, Environments) program was introduced in the summer of 2010. A trial run that could have been a hit or miss for faculty and staff at PLNU. Yet, TILE directors Katie Walsh and Terri Linman were adamant about creating a specific program that could connect students with their professors in a more purposeful manner. "We wanted to focus on using technology that supports learning outcomes in a variety of ways" says Walsh. "With faculty's participation, they can redesign one course of their choosing and employ the pedagogies needed to create a student-centered earning environment."

In exchange for the participants' time, TILE directors created "program incentives." When TILE is successfully completed, participants will earn $1,000 in two payments that can be used for several different packages. These packages include camcorders, tablet computers, cases and keyboards; all of which can be used for interaction with students. The selection of these packages are very broad, due to the variation among professors and their courses. However, the outcome of student involvement is predicted to be the same. "While lectures can be effective with some students, I believe that active learning is the most effective strategy for teaching the majority of students," says first year participant Dr. Dan Jackson.

The TILE runs for six weeks and is sponsored by the Center for Teaching and Learning and Instructional Technology. Applications for TILE 2012 will be distributed next May on the PLNU website.

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